Picture Perfect Arrangement Yellow Asiatic Lilies, Delightful White Daisies and Delicate Pink Spray Roses
This flawless design, made with a stem of yellow Asiatic lilies, surrounded by white daisies, delicate pink spray roses, and soft pink carnations, is sure to make your day picture perfect!
This flawless design, made with a stem of yellow Asiatic lilies, surrounded by white daisies, delicate pink spray roses, and soft pink carnations, is sure to make your day picture perfect!
What People Are Saying
Everything great, a little bit overpriced but acceptable.
Received an awesome rose arrangement from Forest of Flowers for wife’s anniversary. Online ordering was very easy and delivery was great within two hours of order. Kudos to everybody at Forest of Flowers who made this possible!
My go-to for flower deliveries!
The website is so easy to use, the arrangements are beautiful, and they always deliver on time :)
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